Get rid of update notifications
One of my biggest perturbances with the new 2016 builds, and one of its greatest assets is that it installs a large number of add-ons in one fell swoop. Wait a second. Why is that bothersome you might ask. Well the add-ons themselves are not the problem but the plethora of add-on updates that show up all the time. That little pop up at the top of the screen that lets you know it is updatiing one of the many add-ons on your system.
I know I have automatic updating in place. I don't need to be told every couple hours that yet another add-on has just been updated. I have been plagued with this annoyance for over a year now and have finally figured out how to disable add-on update notifications.
Here's how to do it, it's rather simple actually:
Go to System > Settings > Add-ons
When at that screen press left to bring up the options menu. Turn off notifications.
It's that easy!