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How to prevent Kodi from seeing one key press as multiple key presses.

I have this problem at home sometimes while typing on my remote, where one key press acts as if multiple key presses were made.

To fix this issue you need to create an advancedsettings.xml file.

To do this open the easy advanced settings add-on and follow the steps in this tutorial (but go to Remote Control Settings and adjust the following Input Control settings):


The repeat delay for a LIRC remote control. A delay value between 1 and 20 before a remote button starts repeating on a long keypress (i.e. continuously sending button pushes while it's held down).

Default: 3



This is used to adjust the amount of time in milliseconds between repeated keystrokes. Used to prevent key-bounce, in other words prevents Kodi (lirc?) seeing one key press as multiple key presses with certain remotes.


Don't forget to hit "Write File" before exiting.

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